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How Pistachio Nuts Help The Heart

Go green, eat pistachio nuts. Why?

pistachio nuts health benefit Well, a handful or two a day could keep heart disease at bay, recent research has said. Apparently cutting cholesterol levels by 8.4 per cent, with LDL or 'bad' cholesterol dropping by 11.6 per cent.

Pistachio-nuts are thought to be rich in nutrients that reduce hardening of the arteries, one of the main causes believed to bring on heart attacks and strokes.

Eating walnuts can have a similar effect too.

Ok, so where does the antioxidants bit come in then, I hear you ask?

Pistachios are known to be particularly rich in an antioxidant called lutein.

Lutein is found in green leafy vegetables and fruits that are

brightly coloured.

What does lutein do?

It helps prevent cholesterol from clogging up arteries.

Pistachios are very versatile and can be eaten in many ways. Eaten alone they are a tasty snack, or sprinkle some on your cereal, make a pistachio muffin, or how about a pesto sauce, and, the ultimate, pistachio ice cream, mmmmmmm.

Experts are telling us all to eat unsalted rather than salted pistachios. The reason is that too much salt can raise your blood pressure. Both types, however, should have the same effect on cholesterol.

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