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Astaxanthin Health Benefits..A Powerful Antioxidant That Fights Dementia and Other Diseases

Astaxanthin Health Benefits

Astaxanthin is a very powerful antioxidant, so powerful that it is up to 550 times more effective (as an antioxidant) than vitamin E.

astaxanthin health benefits, astaxanthin powerful antioxidant It is a marine microalgae and is responsible for making salmon and flamingos pink in color as they happily feeds on the microalgae. It's good for the marine species of fish etc, it's also very good for us humans too, especially the brain!

There are many health benefits associated with astaxanthin from eye health to skin health

and the nervous system. But where it really is showing great promise is in the fight against neuro-degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and dementia.

You see, astaxanthin has the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier, which means it can work its antioxidant magic on our aging brain, in other words it can slow down the aging process and stop the over-production of free radical activity which is believed to be the cause of many diseases, not only in the brain, but throughout our bodies.

Astaxanthin Health Benefit..Effective Pain Relief?

Axtaxanthin health benefits have also been proven to provide significant relief from the stiffness and pain of rheumatoid arthritis and also carpal tunnel syndrome. Even to the point of virtually eliminating pain for some people.

In fact, it has been found that if you take astaxanthin supplements daily, in just twelve weeks, it could help reduce the abnormal accumulation of compounds that are associated with dementia. This was concluded after research in Japan.

The compound referred to is called phospholipid hydroperoxides, or affectionately known as PLOOH! These are known to acculumate abnormally in the red blood cells (erythrocytes) of folks with dementia.

This is very encouraging news as it shows that astaxanthin could play a key role to act as an antioxidant in erythrocytes and ultimately contribute to the prevention of dementia.

What Is The Dosage For Astaxanthin?

To experience the astaxanthin health benefits you need to take a supplement called BioAstin.

If you just want to take it as an antioxidant then the recommended dosage is 4mg a day. However if you have joint pain and inflammation then you should increase it to 12mg daily.

Good date, there are no known astaxanthin side effects of dangers, although if you are taking medication then always check with your GP or health practitioner before taking it. BioAstin is believed to boost the immune system function, ease or even eliminate chronic back pain, and even become an internal sunscreen thus enhancing your tolerance of sun exposure.

Where Can You Buy Astaxanthin?

buy bioastin The very best palce to buy BioAstin has got to be iHerb. I buy nearly all my health products from iHerb. They are simply the best for service, choice of products, and of course..the price! I live in the UK, they are based in the US, and it is nearly always cheaper for me to source my products there!

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