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Maqui Berry...Rich In Antioxidants This Lesser Known Fruit Could Help With Rapid Weight Loss

Ever heard of the Maqui Berry (often mistaken as aqui berry) before?

maqui berry, aqui berry, weight loss, powerful antioxidant Probably not. It's the new craze though. Let's face it, it's not your average berry that can be easily found in the local grocery stores, however everyone went stir-crazy when Rachel Ray gave the fruit a brief mention on her show, and it has now made an appearance on the shelves in the USA.

The Maqui-berry is a great tasting purple coloured fruit. Now, purple is a good colour because we all know the importance of colours in our fruits. It originally comes from the Patagonia region of South America. It's in this area of the world which is believed to be one of the most fertile, and this is probably the main reason the berry is so great.

So great that apparently, Mapuche Indians consume this special berry as a medicine.

Ok, is it high in antioxidants?

You bet it is!

Not only is it super nutritious and bursting with lots of free radical fighters, it is also very good for weight loss too. Ah, now I have got your attention!

Now this berry is believed to be one of the most powerful antioxidant foods known. Even higher than the superfruits such as.. Blueberry, Pomegranate and Acai. In fact it is considered that Maqui contains more antioxidants that any other food, hence it aids in weight loss.


The reasoning behind Maqui as a weight loss aid is because this berry is so powerfully packed with antioxidants that it will be very effective at ridding your body of toxins and protecting it from harm in the future.

Ultimately it will help you to become and stay healthier.... resulting in weight loss. There are some claims out there that this berry can actually cause as much weight loss as 20 pounds in just a few weeks..some claim, but yet to be substantiated.

It is also right near the 'top of the tree' in the ORAC ratings.

Bottom line..the Maqui Berry is simply an amazing fruit with a lot of potential health benefits, and is worthy to be placed right alongside all the other antioxidant rich berries.

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